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CMYK print on layered tracing paper, 34 CMYK prints, 136 parts

270mm x 375mm

The work you can see is a result of the Whitworth Wallis Residency at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery. Where we had access to the collections and archives of the Gallery. During my time I was particularly interested in the movement of individuals in the gallery space. Exploring how people of all ages navigated the space, what they were drawn to, what they avoided; and how the works and rooms this in addition.

These drawings depict the navigations of visitors within Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery. Each drawing focuses on an exhibition space in the museum and how the public explore it. The colours, inspired from the print process of CMYK, depict different age categories showing what in particular the public are drawn to or avoid. Each generation layer combined allowing a full picture of the gallery environment to be seen.

Residency: Whitworth Wallis
Development: School of Art
Exhibited: Hidden Collection

Exhibited: Hidden Perspectives


Suzie Elizabeth Hunt


Lives in Worcester and works in Birmingham, UK

Specialises in photography, video, printmaking, painting & Drawing.

Open to commissions

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